The Golden Land

Sail Mandalay to Rangoon | 14 days

Sail through the cultural heart of ‘Middle Myanmar’ on a shallow-drafted river ship, hand finished in brass and teak. The landscape varies from the lush teak plantations around Prome to the desert country south of Bagan. Visit a number of small villages and towns and see local agriculture and manufacturing. Remote from the modern world, these places offer a glimpse of a timeless, lost Myanmar far from the usual tourist trail. We also visit several monasteries and temples of historical interest. Colonial character and a friendly atmosphere predominate on this luxury trip.

Day 1: Fly London to Bangkok

Day 2: Fly Bangkok to Yangon

Day 3: Fly Yangon to Mandalay and embark ship

Day 4: Mandalay – pottery village and Mingun

Day 5: Visit Mandalay, Ava and Amarapura

Day 6: Visit Yandabo pottery village

Day 7-8: Visit some of the 3,000 listed monuments in Bagan

Day 9: Taung Ba – Magwe

Day 10: Visit Minhla and Gwechaung, two forts constructed by the Italians to keep the British at bay from Royal Myanmar

Day 11: Thayetmyo Frontier Post

Day 12: Prome and the ancient Pyu

Day 13: Prome – Yangon and disembark boat

Day 14: Fly Yangon – Bangkok – London

Guide price : please ask for a quotation

Footnote: As the avid traveller knows only too well, political landscapes throughout the world change on an almost daily basis and there will be occasions when we are not able to send you to a destination within this website due to political instability- we will update you at the time of enquiry.

Trip Reports for Myanmar


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