We’ll help you decide
You may already have a clear idea of where you’re bound, but if you need some inspiration, we hope that a browse through here will help.
We’ve summarised Fiona’s first-hand knowledge to provide you with tantalising glimpses into every country we visit.
Our itinerary examples should whet your appetite and give you a feel for the quality of bespoke travel we can provide.
For every sample trip featured here we have more detailed information to give you a fuller picture of what you might experience in a particular country, and innumerable suggestions for things to do while you are there.
To help you on your virtual tour of the world you’ll also find maps, key facts and information such as the best time to go, as well as Fiona’s personal travel tips compiled from her own experiences.
In addition to examples of the kinds of itineraries we create, you will also find trip reports written by Fiona and her clients to give you greater insight into unfamiliar territory.
If your shortlist is now even longer than before, don’t forget that Fiona is on hand to discuss your thoughts and make suggestions to help you decide where next. She is always happy to chat and pass on information and advice with no obligation.
With Fiona’s seasoned travel expertise, her dedication to her clients and her wealth of ideas for unforgettable yet affordable experiences, you couldn’t be in better hands.
Far East
South America

Mark Twain
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