Download April 2014 Newsletter
Spring has well and truly sprung with our latest array of new trips and projects. If you’re keen on wildlife we’ve a real one-off watching wild tigers in India with Julian Matthews in Madhya Pradesh, staying in very special camps. For riding enthusiasts how about trekking and riding in the Wakhan Corridor of South Eastern Tajikistan with members of the Royal Society for Asian Affairs or a horseback tour in the mountain resort of Karuizawa in Japan? We’ve stunning luxury getaways in Australia, South India and Morocco, astonishing river trips in Ecuador, Cambodia, Vietnam and Myanmar and comfortable cruises in Chilean Patagonia and The Galapagos. As this year marks the centenary of Sir Ernest Shackleton’s Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition, we’ve two polar voyages (on Plancius and Akademik Vavilov) which plan to visit his grave. We’re also sponsoring a Shackleton 100 exhibition in Plymouth in August and would love to see you there. This is just some of what’s in store in our latest newsletter!